Sunday, October 30, 2011

C4T #3

north star illustration

My assigned teacher for this time was Mr. Jeff Delp who is a k-12 administrator. He posted a blog about the importance of building hope to students who come from poverty or bad family lives. I have to say that this blog is the reason why I want to teach!! My response was about my passion for giving back to those that are less fortunate. My way of doing this is helping open doors for students who are born with no hope for success. This is due to many things; but the most common problem is they fall into this trap of hopelessness because everyone around them tells them that this is the best it is ever going to be!! That is unfair and I want to change this perception. We need to show these kids colleges and jobs that stimulate their interest and give them options to take if they apply themselves in school! I only hope that other people in this profession share my beliefs. Because we are as much to blame as they are for so much failure!!!

The second comment from Mr. Delp's blog was about an idea called The North Star Effect. It is about the long term effects we can leave on our students. His analogy was that when you go a few degrees off, there is nothing seen right away. But, over time you see what that direction has taken you. Education has the same effect. If I can help a student just change their direction by just a few "degrees", maybe that will positively change their lives forever!! I can only dream that I can make this a real possibility!!


  1. Mr. Delp writes about GREAT topics. The messages of his posts are so much more than teaching a kid how to add numbers. They're based on making positive, life-long changes for his students. Wonderful!

    You did not use any links.

  2. He really does write about some great topics!! I have him added to my PLN. Also, I went back and added those links to his blog. Sorry about that.
