Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Assignment #7

randy pausch

I just watched Randy Pausch's Last Lecture and I have laughed and cried at the same time more times than I can remember to count. All I have to say is I hope nobody tried a shortcut and didn't watch this video. It is truly inspiring and I am saddened that this incredible man is not here to continue to help other people down the path to success! Dr. Strange asked to write what I got from this video in at least 4 paragraphs. I will do my best to not drag this out; but, there is so much to learn from what Dr. Pausch said.

To quote the great Dr. Pausch, "The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough." To elaborate on what he is saying, everyone needs to take this quote and remember it for everyone obstacle that ever presents itself to you during your teaching career or any other part of your life. Success is the result of hard work and persistence. If education was easy, everybody could do it. The funny part is that we are our own brick wall. When we have a task that we feel is too tough (like 9 hours of work dedicated to a class), we drop the class, change majors, change jobs, buy something not as good, etc. If there is anything I will carry on from this video, it is to never give up on your dreams. Teach the way you feel will change a students life. Even if it isn't the traditional way. We used to call people that went against the norm "patriots", "revolutionists", and "innovators"!! Now we confuse people that think outside the box as "crazy" or "paranoid"!! Don't be afraid to be different. Steve Jobs was different. Randy Pausch was different!!

He also mentions that "Your critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care." Being critical is always confused with being overbearing or micromanaging. When people stop telling you your faults, they probably have given up on you. The only way to get better as a teacher is to take the criticism from others more experienced in the field and use it to make you better. We always feel that people criticize us because they are jealous or hate us!! That is so far from the truth. I have had a hard time with criticism over the years and have never stopped to think about what the message the person was trying to give.

Finally, I would like to touch on the most important part of the video. That is the "head fake" that he emphasized in the video. The key to education is convincing your students that they are having fun and not having to learn some boring subject. Misdirection is a great way to "trick" the students into actually learning a skill. I have preached this in my earlier blogs!! I am just happy to see how important it was to the late Dr. Pausch!! Again, I hope that everybody took the time to watch this video. It has already had a major impact on me!!


  1. It is so great to hear the positive impact Pausch has had on your approach to teaching and life! I think what makes it even more meaningful is that you took what he said and applied it to your own life. I really like the point you brought up that we are our own brick walls. It is something I have not thought about much, but perhaps it is just because it is sometimes hard to admit.

    I really hope you are able to teach your students and own children in such an enjoyable, yet educational way they will remember and pass on.

  2. Hey Owen! (In just 8 short weeks we've progressed from the more formal, "Hello Owen!" to the more genial "Hey Owen!")

    Anyway, I feel almost like I've just watched Dr. Pausch's Last Lecture for the first time again through reading your post. I can remember how I felt when I was watching it for the first time, and let me tell you, it was an experience. You're not the only one who finds the ability to both laugh and cry to be disconcerting. I was like, "Good grief, man! Give a girl a break would ya?" and then Dr. Pausch would somehow make me laugh, only to follow with another tear-jerking moment. He's like a double-edged sword, that Dr. Pausch.

    With that in mind (or not), I liked your response to the video and his messages. It's very genuine, and I can only hope that the others took as much from the video as you apparently did. Great post.
