Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog Assignment 11

book with blogging101 on it

After watching Ms. Cassidy's videoon blogging and then watching her Skype video, I have so much to learn and now have so many more great ideas I can use when I become a teacher myself.

First of all, I loved how she used the wiki pictures as links to material the students can use to learn about what is going on in the curriculum. This answers the much sought after question of monitoring the access of students on the internet. Taking the time to create links to helpful sites will eliminate the temptation for the students to go off course with their internet browsing. It is such a simple but brilliant idea and I can't believe that I didn't think of that. My reasoning would be that I am still very unfamiliar with using the wiki as a tool.

That of course leads me into the second thing I took from her philosophy. That is the idea that I need to learn as much as possible now; because once I become a teacher, the free time that I have will be significantly reduced because of the demands of the state in keeping on pace with the curriculum. This is the time for all of us that strive to be technologically literate teachers to expand and grow so that we are more prepared for the new generation of student. I absolutely love her enthusiasm and honesty when it comes to teaching and it was really informative. She mentioned the fact of having a technology coordinator as a go between with the administration and the teachers. My question to that would be do we have a coordinator designated in every school system or is that on a county by county basis? I would love to find out and I am going to ask some of the teachers in my daughters school if they have someone like that to help facilitate the needed resources to make the classes more technology friendly!

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