Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog Assignment #12

classroom with computers at every desk

Watch the video on The Classroom of the Futureand write at least two paragraphs about what you thought of the video. Do you agree that this is the future of education or do you have a different idea of what the future holds for education?

After watching the video, I came away with two very important points about the video. The first is that the idea of computers at every desk shouldn't be such an unrealistic goal. I have two children who are in public schools and they give us a list of items that usually costs about $100-150 for supplies such as paper, pencils, and other unnecessary supplies that would be obsolete with the use of computers. As affordable as computers are becoming, the idea of a computer for every student should be happening!! Especially when you consider the price breaks that companies like DELL and Gateway give when you buy multiple systems. When you go to college, one of the requirements is that you own a computer. Why is this not being adapted at every level of education. I know that the lower income areas will struggle with this; but, think about how the money that goes into useless supplies could easily pay for a computer for every student.

The second key point I took away from the video is that computers and technology have become a vital part of our society. We are holding back the youth by not implementing this into the curriculum!! People think that I will never use a computer in my job. My answer to that is WAKE UP!!! Even fast food restaurants are becoming much more technologically advanced and it won't be long before even this low paying jobs will require some computer experience to get hired. The world is changing and evolving at a really incredibly fast rate. Educators and administrators need to make it a priority to change the way we do education and teach or we will fall behind in the global race with countries such as China and Japan!


  1. Hello Owen,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I totally agree with the fact that it's students should be able to have a computer at every desk. You made a strong argument in your post.

  2. This is a good idea, but I feel like you could've been more creative!

  3. One of the great things about this class is getting the perspective of students who have taken this class before and taking what they say and learn from it. This was one of the more difficult assignments and I tried to go the route of something involved with the future of teaching and thought this might shine a light on what our future holds.
